Advanced Monitoring
So your home is producing electricity....but how do you know what it's producing? Well, we knew you'd ask and we've made it easy. Any system we provide will be able to display what electricity is being generated and we can offer this via a remote Smartphone App as well!
Contact our sales team today on (098) 42699 to find out more about our Solar PV packages or click here to email us.
At a basic level and without any additional cost, all our inverters provide monitoring of your system's electricity generation. Information such as how many units were produced on any given day, month, etc. can be accessed via the display on the inverter. This enables the user to see what their system is producing in an easy-to-read format. For obvious reasons, this is most effective when the inverter is installed in an easy to access area and therefore not in your attic.
We also offer remote monitoring and this is the preferred option if you really want to keep an eye on what's being generated and used. We offer two options in this regard, depending on your needs and preferences:
Option 1 - Inverter Wi-Fi dongle
This is a dongle which connects to the inverter and to your home's Wi-Fi network. You then install an App on your Smartphone which can read the information from the inverter and display it on your phone in a neat and intuitive manner. This shows basic information about what units of electricity were generated on any given day. This is generally included in all our PV packages for free.
Option 2 - Advanced remote monitoring
Using more advanced software, from OWL Intuition, and monitoring techniques, our Solar PV customers can also monitor their homes actual electricity usage and how much electricity has been exported to the grid - see image below. This is our preferred method of monitoring as it displays a lot more information and in an easy to read layout. This has an additional cost to a most standard Solar PV packages.